Friday, October 29, 2010

ReBranding and Reframing the MAEP.

Dear Minnesota visual artists and friends:

My name is Pete Driessen, and I have been a practicing artist within Minnesota  for over 25 years. 

I am interested in ReBranding the MAEP/Minneapolis/Minnesota as an engaging, credible international arts destination:

I would like to encourage the MAEP to move to a contemporary platform that has multiple vectors that move at multiple velocities.  Yes, that is multiple platforms of arts programming that move at multiple speeds.  This would allow many more artists to be involved, would allow the MAEP to shape-shift in a positive manner, as well as allow further diversification of our collective creative products.

I would like to bring new museological, curatorial, and alternative techniques and tactical strategies to presentation of visual arts.  I would like to encourage moving beyond the slow dinosaur style, linear calendar method of 4 shows a year.  I would like the MAEP be thee place to be, and to put the MAEP on the global art map.

Instead of  the stigma of “flyover”…let’s together reframe MN as a “total fly zone” for the arts.  We can be, and should be, a site of high quality artistic “staycation.” 

Now that the dust of last two years of administrative change has settled, I would like to initiate a Cluster of New Programs & Initiatives:

These might include:

Logistical Changes:

Panelists take on a greater working role. Panelist should get paid. 

Open panel-meeting policy—develop semi transparency.

Two permanent artist positions on MIA Board of Trustees (one younger than thirty/one who sits on the Acquisitions committee)

Sustainable MN residency status (live in MN longer than two years/doing quality midcareer level work)(MAEP is Not part of the MN art welfare state!)(You must “prove” yourself as a sustainable MN artist resident)

Two large meetings per year.   One in early summer/something fun (Hot Dish, etc), the second is a business meeting.  Both would have a separate purpose.

Someone Younger than Jesus on Oversight Panel. (No offense to the old farts, Carol & Wayne)

Seeing the art of those running for the panel prior to the meeting and at the meeting.  Have those running send in a Jpeg of art with the statement ahead of time to put online and use to present in the voting queue.

Another position on Advisory Panel to prevent tie votes.

Programming Platforms:

An Alternative, Semi Autonomous Artist Space outside the Stevens Avenue Real estate. (Northeast Mpls?)(This site could take the role of the missing middle museum/organzation)

Both short term and long term artist residencies. (MIA + off site with other institutions)

Independent Study program, with core group of Artists & Educators. (Whitney/Critical thinking)

International Focus in our PR/Advertising via using our award winning advertising & design community (multiple intl. mags)(local pro-bono design & printing)(the design community would die for the MAEP as a portfolio piece!)

Sister city Museums with other alternative programs at art museums/galleries/nonprofits in Berlin, London, Beijing, on all major continents as well as regionally within the states.

Push for more advanced digital technology—beyond social networking, web streaming, and wiki-- by partnering with local Northern Lights, to develop experimental, interactive and network based practices.

Further critical dialogue with local writers/critics into a quarterly published tabloid, again partnering with the publishing and printing industry. 

Major multi-venue large-scale art project on the level of Documenta/Site Santa Fe every 3 years. (Think of all the sites thruout MN that would be great for this).

Summer long & short term art/dialogue workshop venue in northern Minnesota  (Vermont College or Skowhegan style models).  Overtake a faltering resort on a lake.

Mentorship program (Similar to WARM, or in conjunction with Wactac/MIA Arts Masterpiece program)—especially needed for young males.

Contemporary MN & MAEP Archive & artists library development, via partnering with Midway/MN History center)

MIA collecting the work--but also, key placement of the work in more prominent & important collections.

Series of self published Mn artist Monographs/Prints/Artist Books—sold to help fund MAEP/partner with High Point Center for Printmaking/MN Center for Book Arts

MAEP Television program Partner with local access, TPT, or 3Min Egg.

MAEP Art Industry Awards (Similar to Music Industry)(Just think of the fun categories!)

Wide range of artist designed promotional materials & advertising specialties for distribution and sales.

Artist Commons programming/Exchange/Give & Take.

MAEP I-Phone App.

Our own artist run Conceptual Pronto Pup Stand at the MN State Fair.

Sarah Palin Swimsuit contest (We know Billy X would win every year!).

The idea list can go on and on.

So I can hear all the critical, academic and institutionalized EEyores groaning and whining about art, change, and money.  This is a grant writing/funding state!  This is a arts supportive state. Change is healthy and positive!  Change is good!  Rebranding and reframing the short and long-term goals, visions, priorities and programming will help establish a critical aesthetic framework for the MAEP for years to come.

I will take this panel position seriously, be responsive, accountable, flexible and adaptable.  I look forward to representing you, working with the MAEP Curatorial Staff, and furthering the rebranding of our wonderful gallery venue.

Thank You!


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Thank you for your articulate and professional comment! With gratitude, Pete

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